5 Common Lobster Myths, Debunked

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Lobsters have long been a fascinating creature of the sea, capturing the imaginations of many. However, over time, several myths and misconceptions about lobsters have emerged. In this blog, our wholesale Maine lobster experts aim to debunk some of the most common lobster myths and shed light on the truth behind each one. So, let’s dive in and separate fact from fiction!

Myth #1: Lobsters Are Immortal

One of the most enduring myths about lobsters is that they are immortal. While lobsters do exhibit remarkable longevity, they are not immortal. Lobsters age just like any other living organism and eventually die. However, their lifespan is notably longer compared to many other species.

Myth #2: Lobsters Mate for Life

Contrary to popular belief, lobsters do not mate for life. While they may form monogamous pairs during the mating season, these relationships are not lifelong commitments. Lobsters are known to engage in multiple mating encounters throughout their lives.

Myth #3: Female Lobsters Taste Better

There is a common myth that female lobsters are more flavorful than their male counterparts. However, the taste of a lobster is not determined by its gender but rather by factors such as its diet, habitat, and overall quality. Both male and female lobsters can offer equally delicious culinary experiences.

Myth #4: Bigger Lobsters Have Tougher Meat

Another misconception is that larger lobsters are tougher and less desirable to eat. In reality, the tenderness and flavor of a lobster depend on various factors, including how it is cooked and handled. With proper cooking techniques, large lobsters can be just as succulent and enjoyable as smaller ones.

Myth #5: Hard-Shell Lobsters Taste the Best

While it is true that hard-shell lobsters offer a meatier texture, the perception that they taste better is subjective. Soft-shell lobsters, which have recently molted and have a thinner shell, are prized by many for their sweeter and more tender meat. The preference for hard or soft-shell lobsters ultimately comes down to personal taste.

It’s important to separate these myths from the truth to fully appreciate the wonders of lobsters. These fascinating creatures have much more to offer than what popular myths suggest. From their distinctive colors to their incredible ability to regenerate limbs, lobsters are truly remarkable creatures.

So, the next time you enjoy a lobster feast, remember that you’re indulging in a culinary delight that goes beyond the misconceptions. Whether you prefer your lobster steamed, grilled, or served in a creamy bisque, the rich flavors and succulent meat of this delicacy are always worth savoring.

At Klenda Seafood, our fresh products are responsibly sourced and of the highest quality. We deliver wholesale Maine lobster and other fresh Maine seafood directly to your door, or if you’re in the area, stop by our South Portland location!